Thursday, July 11, 2019

A Place To Start The DAM Process

For those who have a DAM Solution, this article will be a repeat of things you already did but if you are still storing your assets across your network, across the internet and across the galaxy or universe then this is a place to start your Crawl, Walk, Run.

"Organizations need to audit and organize assets, implement a strong taxonomy and spearhead initial adoption to build a strong foundation for DAM"  says an article on MediaValet.

Your response is probably the same as mine. Ahhh. Audit and organize my assets but I have thousands of them or millions of them. Okay don't panic. Start smaller.
  1. Organizations need to implement a strong taxonomy with feedback from various departments and project managers.
  2. Organizations need to empower departments to audit and organize their assets one project at at time and map them into the string taxonomy created in step 1.  If the taxonomy needs adjusting then adjust it for everyone but have a good reason to do it.
  3. After step 1 and 2 then you can start discussing your DAM solution.
Do you need help with any of these steps? Let us know and we can find someone to help. 
Feel free to email me at if you have questions.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How DAM Healthy are you?

As your future-self looking back you may say, "DAM, I should have done that years ago." However at the beginning of the process you look and wonder about the ROI. you look at the vast amount of planning necessary up front and very often you throw your hands up in the air and say okay fine business as usual.

Rather than getting overwhelmed let's take a step back and breathe.  Then we can take a DAM physical and see if there are things we can change that will help us on our way to the best DAM ever.

Answer the following 4 questions honestly based on your current state:

  1. How do marketing and creative share files?
  2. How do you handle metadata related to creative files?
  3. Is there a process to handle the creative permission life-cycle? When can you start using them and when do they expire?
  4. Do you have a process for archiving and deleting creative?
Now that you have your answers think about the same questions and what your ideal answer is. If you need help answering these for your ideal state or have questions about DAM Solutions in general  email me at and we can schedule a chat to help.